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National Aquaculture Association

The United Voice of U.S. Aquaculture

national aquaculture association

The mission of the National Aquaculture Association is to provide a unified national voice for U.S. aquaculture that ensures its sustainability, protects its profitability, and encourages its development in an environmentally responsible manner.


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Aquaculture is Agriculture

U.S. aquaculture farms produce a huge vareity of aquatic products that provide local jobs to thousands of rural, working waterfront and urban communities all across the nation. 

Local and Healthy

Imported seafood travels thousands of miles to reach your plate under less stringent safety regulations and inspections. Local, safe and fresh U.S. farmed seafood is low in calories and high in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids!

Sustainable and Secure

U.S. farmers depend upon high quality water to make a living and are regulated at the federal, state and local level to ensure environmental sustainability. The U.S. imports 70-85% of the seafood we consume.

For over 34 years, the National Aquaculture Association has been the unifying voice of the U.S. aquaculture sector. We remain committed to the growth and success of all American aquaculture farms through collaborations with state and federal governments that foster a positive business climate and cost-effective regulations that ensure environmental stewardship. As a not-for-profit trade association, we fulfill our mission primarily through government advocacy, public outreach and farm promotion.

National Aquaculture News and Events

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NAA Welcomes New and Returning Board of Directors

At the recent Membership meeting, Board of Director appointments were announced for Individual and Association membership categories.

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Important Dates Coming up for ELAP

Learn about ELAP, critical dates and how to sign-up for this USDA disaster assistance program.

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NAA Honors Exceptional Aquaculture Leadership

Annually, we recognize individuals within U.S. aquaculture for their accomplishments which reflect the dedication exemplified by Joesph P. McCraren.


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